L-arginine is considered to be generally safe. It might be effective at lowering blood pressure, reducing the symptoms of angina and PAD , and treating erectile dysfunction due to a physical cause. However, if you take a blood pressure drug, talk to your doctor before using L-arginine.

General Information: –
CAS No – 1119-34-2
Molecular Formula / Molecular Weight – C6H14N4O2·HCl = 210.66
Physical State – Solid
PubChem Substance ID – 87562134
Specifications: –
Appearance – White to Almost white powder to crystal
Purity: >98.0%(T)(HPLC)
Melting point – >235 °C
Applications: –
L-arginine is considered to be generally safe. It might be effective at lowering blood pressure, reducing the symptoms of angina and PAD , and treating erectile dysfunction due to a physical cause. However, if you take a blood pressure drug, talk to your doctor before using L-arginine.
L-Arginine Base & hcl daesang
L-Arginine Base Hydrochloride base&hcl
L-Arginine Base HCL USP* wuxi jinghai china
L-Arginine Alpha Ketogutrate 2:1 nantong hengsheng china